

a public service
dedicated to exploring
the modern world
and the human condition

“top 12 international hidden art gems”
New York Times

“curatorial genius”
The Atlantic

The New Yorker

4 C O R T L A N D T A L L E Y
N e w Y o r k C i t y

C L O S E D f o r W I N T E R

R E O P E N S i n S P R I N G


“Mmuseumm embodies my dream of the way
I would like people to think about design.”

Paola Antonelli

“Mmuseumm continues to defy categorization
as either a recognized cultural institution
or a non-conformist outsider art project.
In effect, it’s both.”
New York Magazine

“words go no distance in describing the feeling of standing inside Mmuseumm, held in its grip. The warmth and intimacy of being enfolded in the dreams and visions of its human creators makes the experience like no other museum you’ve ever visited.”

”Mmuseumm doesn’t tell us what to think. But it most certainly tells us that thinking is what we should do.”
Rob Walker

it’s a future thing.”
The Paris Review

A non-profit public service
made possible by public support